Welcome to our Scott Essman Articles. If you've got a great story, tip, etc., send it to ClubHaunt. To send us a story click here.

Introduction by David Collier

Lon Chaney: Man of 1000 Makeups by Scott Essman

Jack Pierce: The Man Behind the Monsters by Scott Essman

The House of Westmore by Scott Essman

Hammer Films: Horror, British-Style by Scott Essman

Dick Smith: Master of Illusions by Scott Essman

John Chambers: Prosthetics Master by Scott Essman

Rick Baker: Monster Maker by Scott Essman

Stan Winston: Larger Than Life by Scott Essman

Ve Neill: TheMany Faces of Fantasy by Scott Essman

Todd McIntosh: Buffy & Vampires by Scott Essman

Makeup Today, Tomorrow, Always by Scott Essman


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